I don’t have many regrets in life but the one regret I do have is not meeting you when I was in my thirties
I am 64 and can honestly state I have never hit a golf ball like I currently hit it !
My last 2 medal rounds of 74 gross have been disappointing, silly errors , but the long game has been unerringly good.
I have been working on the drills , which are paying dividends .
I will send a further video in the next week , but to be honest I’m not sure I want another lesson !!! just ecstatic with where iv got to
Many thanks
I can honestly say you have transformed my game. It is so simple to understand. I was playing off 15 and in 8 months I am now down to a 7 Hcp. The swing support and daily videos you guys do are incredible. I can finally play the game! BTW Chipping is ridiculous after that Tour Chipping video. Thank you Gary and Luke
Find me a simpler swing than this? No more pain and I’m hitting it further and straighter than I ever have. Thank you Gary and team for such a wonderful subscription. Get up every morning and watch your videos with my coffee and learn something new every day.
I’m probably one of many who let you know satisfaction at developing our game using the right sided swing and the website.
I have been studying the live lessons for the last month as winter weather has reduced my hours of practice on the course. I’m finding that many of these videos relate to the status of my current right sided swing.
During the last months, I’ve studied these elements in the Steps 1-5 on the site and made progress transitioning from my old swing to the right sided approach.
But watching Gary advise students in the live lessons has really pulled the right sided swing details together.
I went out on my local course last evening just before a snow storm struck and practiced the fundamentals I observed in the live lessons. I really believe I’m catching on. Yesterday was exciting and I’m looking forward to getting back out.
I wanted you to know the benefit in learning that the live lessons and before/after sections of your site offer. The Steps 1-5 serve as a good beginning resource. I still look at several of these for refreshers. But the live lessons showing students who are at different stages of developing their game gives me a way to compare my current swing with theirs and helps me understand Gary’s recommendations and how to apply them to my current swing.
I’ll forward a video of my swing after I have practiced my latest progress. Believe I’ll have something to show you in several more weeks.
Best regards,
Just wanted you to know that after putting your recent lesson into effect, I shot my second best round ever… 13 fairways and 15 greens! The course is ranked 36th hardest in USA. Thank you sincerely.
Hi Gary, Luke, Ben and all,
Those new Quick Start Videos are fantastic! What a great summary of the RSS and excellent revision. I really like the arm lift drill. I haven’t come across it before. I think it is very good for setting the club on the hand line and also radius. It should help stop sucking the club behind also.
Happy to tell you that other members at my golf club are noticing my handicap going down and asking me how come?
Thanks for video lessons. Very helpful!!
Still very much work in progress but hitting the ball great!
Had 44 points today with 75 score off the stick!!
I hit most of fairways and was in direct access of all greens from my tee-shots.
I hit 10 greens and the ones I missed were within meters except one so I could get up and down.
I added about 10-15 meters in length and better accuracy.
Good morning,I just wished to say thank you for such a great swing method. I am 31 (overweight, not flexible), and have tried every method, with the same major issues being fats, thins, slices (longer clubs), pulls:
-Rotary (C Quinton)
-Perfect connection (C.J Geocks)
-Peak performance (Don Trahan)
– Square to square (Doug Tewell)
-One plane swing/two plane swing (J Hardy’s book)
-Lessons from a PGA coach (Modern method, turn left sided shift weight) A few weeks ago I stumbled across RSS, watched the videos and immediately was impressed by the no nonsense approach. I had immediate results at the range. I then saw Jason Pavese yesterday in Canberra, and he was able to correct a few of my issues straight away. I cannot believe the immediate change, its ridiculous. I love the concept of setting the shape on the wall, letting my arms swing and staying centred. I need to work on a number of things but just wished to pass my thank you on to you and advise that Jason Pavese is an absolute credit to the RSS method. I plan to see him once a month and be an active member of the RSS site.
Thanks again.
RSS convert
Last three rounds in the winds of St Michaels…..37pts. 41pts on Sat 2nd in A Grade and today 41 points to win A Grade.
8 birdies and several missed birdies due to me putting like Steve Wonder ?. Also same ball every round…..not one lost ball in a few rounds now.
My Mates know I’m an RSS advocate and today as I’m playing so well again…..they stand in the fairway asking me …..” how does the RSS work”. I say. “. Go to Gary Edwin’s website, I’m a member of them all and Gary’s site is THE best of them all”
I’m playing so well and you may recall I mentioned during our lesson that my driver had not left my bag for 7 years as I couldn’t hit it out of my shadow…no joke ! I am now the best of my group with a driver and all i do is my best RSS swing and make sure I have True Loft
I just wanted to update you on my satisfaction with your right sided swing. As stated at an earlier e-mail I had both hips replaced a year and a half ago. The swing is so easy on the body I only notice my replacements going up and down from the greens. I am 69 years old and except for my hips am fit. I have a strong upper body and still lift weights. I am built like Peter Senior, but am only 5’7″ like Gavin Coles. I can not express enough how helpful and good your videos are. Gary’s explanations of the swing are outstanding. It is too bad that there are not more right sided instructors in the U.S. I hit most irons and woods straight or with a little tail most of the time. Most of my screw ups are around the green or putting. However, I am getting more consistent with chipping and pitching with the right sided swing.
I just wanted you to know how happy I am with the swing. I may not even be golfing with out finding ” the Right Sided Golf Swing” because I was a slugger and violently slung my hips. I wanted to illustrate what the learning curve has been in my case, and perhaps this is like a lot of other hackers.I hope my thought are correct on the things I listed. I AM VERY HAPPY I FOUND YOUR SITE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. Thanks again.
Gary and Luke,
The swing is great…feels good and am having proven results. I’m 69, turned professional in 1970, retired in 2012 as Director of Golf and am now just teaching and playing. I have studied all of the teachers with reputations in the states and also Australians such as Croker, Hughes, and Ayers….Nobody compares to you. The RSS really struck a nerve with me…I have about 24 hours invested looking at all of the content as a Platinum member and your presentations at seminars and live lessons with professionals and amateurs is extraordinary. I have always been impressed with Senior and Pampling which finally lead me to researching you further, and it has been a pleasure to watch the meteoric rise of Rebecca Artis and to view her lessons on the website…what a beautiful action she has!
I will be a champion for the RSS in Texas and already have one student join you as a Platinum member…Keep those videos coming…they are a great learning tool for us teachers and students alike.
Mr Edwin and team,
I had left knee replacement, right handed player, and struggled with my swing. I had Gary’s video and studied it over and over and applied it with adaptations for my body and such. I’m striking the ball again better than I did BEFORE I had knee replacement. Yesterday, at my home course Canebrake Club Athens, Alabama I shot a 73 from the Tournament tees. I feel rejuvenated about the game at 56 now. Thank you for sharing your knowledge of golf with us all. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to improve.
Kind Regards,
Gary.. Been playing 60 years fro 4 to 10 hdcp. Taught for Jimmy Ballard in the 90s after 34 years in the USN.
It should be getting easier with a stroke grace each year, but alas I suffer from LOD.
Have come to grips with that of course. This note is just to let you know I cherish your website…on it at least once a week and learn something useful each time.
My regression is always slide, lift, flip etc. ..frustrating. Thanks to you and Alex
my shape is OK. Schlee taught me right wrist long ago, but I never mastered until I
your recent shape lessons re arms before address….most helpful.
Anyway, keep up the great site. My dream is to travel to your teaching site before I go to the other side of the divot. However I know you are very busy.
Looking forward to meeting you someday.
Warmest regards, Phillip McNall, San Ramon CA
Hi Gary,
I’m not sure if you remember me but I received a lesson off you at the start of last year during the floods (the fool who travelled from Bribie island in flood waters). I just thought I’d let you know how my year went after having the lesson from you and from studying your videos. I had the best year of my club golfing career, I won the foursomes, mixed foursomes, 4ball stroke, A grade club champs, and the match play champs. My handicap has stayed on a consistent 3 for the whole year, I’m constantly working and improving my swing, and trying to get rid of that bloody steep downswing.
Just thought I would let you know how my game is traveling, and to say thank you for the lesson and videos, and hopefully i will see you for another lesson this year.Thank you,
Sam Hawgood
Dear Gary
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to you having worked on being “right sided” now for around 8 months. I have spent the last 10 years as a club pro/trainee pro searching for a repeatable swing and have got nowhere. In fact at the end of last year I almost decided to finish playing all together and concentrate on my shop and club business!!
I came across you on you tube and then became a member of your site and have to say I am not the same golf pro as I was last year. I have done nothing but work on shape, wrist angles and radius all year and I have never played so consistently. Today I have managed to make the team for my buying group for a competition at open championship venue Turnberry, the first thing I have won since around 2004!
So I just wanted to e mail and say thanks for sharing your knowledge with us and for creating a swing that is powerful, repeatable and most of all consistent.
All I need to do know is perform in Scotland in August!!Kind regards and best wishes
Richard lambert
PGA Head Professional & Golf Manager
Crosland Heath GC
About six months ago (or so) I signed up for your site as I was very interested in your swing. At that time I had a very difficult time getting the videos because it would take a long time to open a file and then the video would stall so I could never really see the videos I needed without a lot of frustration.
But now that your new website is up, I’ve watched some of your lessons with the PGA pros and also am able to get to all the videos that I need. It’s only been a few days but already I am striking the ball better than I have in my 25 years of playing golf.
I compete on the Golf Week Amateur Golf Tour. I’ve been struggling in the A Flight now for two years and was almost ready to quit but because of the simplicity of your swing, I am anxious for the new season to begin in February. I have not felt this way about golf in a long time so thank you, Gary, and your staff. Keep up the good work.
I want to thank you and your Dad for providing me with the information to transform my game. I get so much out of your monthly posting in the members area. The whole experience has been great.
Thanks Again
Roger Jewell
Played yesterday, right after watching the lesson, but BEFORE hitting any balls…just tried to adjust the set-up (rt leg and foot, and hands more out)…16 greens in reg for 68 (if I could have made a few, it would have been REAL low)…ball flight was much better, distance control with wedges was much improved…THANK YOU!!
Just wanted to express how much I am enjoying the members section. I am anxious to learn as much about the right sided swing as possible. The video’s of gary explaining his concepts is great.
VR Tom
Ewan Walters

PGA Tour
Gary has helped me become a much more consistent golfer and the website continues to get better and better.
Jason Pavese

Pga Australia
The Members Area is first class. I still learn something new everyday.
Rick Bigwood

Dean of Law UQ
Gary is a genius! I have improved all areas of my game since signing up. Getting the correct information is the key.